We worked towards the launch of the first phase of the Canada Water Docklands regeneration, which involved creating a sympathetic design for a Victorian building and courtyard using almost exclusively unusual plants from specialist nurseries.
For phase two, the Garden Of Treasures will be a non-linear, multi-layered space containing pockets of solace and intriguing meanders through immersive planting. Accessed through two ground-level entry points, the visitor will make their way up through dense planting via motive paved pathways that lead to two different areas.
Continuing up onto the higher level, more informal paths with meander through the rest of the space, which will have a woodland feel to it. Visitors will be able to take several routes around this area, exploring the layered planting and forgetting the surrounding buildings.
The reflective zone will be a small terrace nestled amongst tall and abundant specimens, in earshot of the water feature below. Underfoot will be gravel, distinguishing the space from the pathways. This area is designed to feel secluded and tranquil.